Primary Kitchen

Denver based, affordable modern style




ShiftTextured melamines manufactured in house, laser edgebanded, cross edge possible, feel of wood without the warp.

 ForestGrey norepeatForest Gray HeatherCream norepeatHeather Cream HeatherGreen norepeatHeather Green LinearBeigeHeartwood norepeatLinear Beige LinearBlackHeartwood norepeatLinear Black  LinearChestnutHeartwood norepeatLinear Chestnut LinearSilverHeartwood norepeatLinear Silver

LinearTanHeartwood norepeatLinear Tan pk shift natural walnutNatural Walnut RusticChestnutOak norepeatRustic Chestnut Oak RusticLightBrownOak norepeatRustic Brown Oak RusticSilverOak norepeatRustic Silver Oak WinterForest norepeatWinter Forest BlackForest norepeatBlack Forest 


Optimat:  Acrylic matte finish , scratch resistant, anti fingerprint properties, soft to the touch, laser edge banded, manufactured in house.

optimat beigeOptimat Beige optimat blackBlack optimat blueBlue optimat champ effectChampagne optimat creamCream optimat metallic greyMetalic Gray optimat metallic silverMetalic Silver 

optimat navyNavy optimat pebblePebble optimat pure whitePure White optimat sageSage optimat starlightStarlight optimat stoneStone optimat whiteWhite

primary kitchen grey swatchGrey primary kitchen olive swatchOlive 


Reflection:  Acrylic high gloss finish, Most scratch resistant high gloss in the industry, manufactured in house, laser edge banded

reflection beigeBeige reflection blackBlack reflection blueBlue reflection corsa redCorsa Red reflection creamCream reflection dark greyDark Gray reflection fly yellowFly Yellow 

reflection greyGray reflection metallic beigeMetallic Beige reflection metallic greyMetallic Gray reflection metallic silverMetallic Silver reflection NavyNavy reflection orangeOrange reflection pearl whitePearl White

reflection pebblePebble reflection pure whitePure White reflection redRed reflection sageSage reflection soft whiteSoft White reflection stoneStone  


Fenix:  Next generation acrylic resin, anti-finger print, self scratch healing, soft to the touch, laser edge banded.

fenix beige arizonaBeige Arizona fenix bianco alaskaBianco Alaska fenix bianco doverBianco Dover fenix bianco kosBianco Kos fenix blu fesBlu Fez fenix bronzo dohaBronzo Doha 

fenix bronzo piomboBronzo Piombo fenix grigio antrimGrigio Antrim fenix grigio bromoGrigio Bromo fenix nero ingoNero Ingro fenix rosso jaipurRosso Jaipur fenix verde comodoroVerde Comodoro 

pk fenix castoro ottowaCastoro Ottowa pk fenix grigio effesoGrigio Effeso pk fenix grigio londraGrigio Londra 


Door Styles

                             primaryDoors2 003Door Style D1                           primaryDoors2 005Door Style D3                        primaryDoors2 010Door Style D5



Broshure Flip Book Links

General Broshure:

Finishes and door styles:

New Fenix Finishes: